Hope and faith

Hope and faith in your life can really keep you afloat. It can keep your mind open to something good that may come. As long as you keep them alive you will have something to strive for for a better life. If you lose your hope or faith it may make things harder to deal with. It may make you give up on what good may come in your future. Keep your chin up and keep these alive in you. Hope and faith are good indeed.

Life Poem

Life can be full of many emotions,

Without even having to use potions.

Being happy is something good to feel.

Especially if it is always for real.

Being glad of who you are

Can make you feel better by far.

When you are thankful for things you get

Puts you on top and happier yet.

Having faith in all things to come

Gives you more than some.

Sadness may come when you don’t get your way

And you may feel there is nothing left to say.

Feeling guilty of things you don’t get done

It always seems to be an important one.

Getting mad at things in life that are cruel

Just trying to learn the right rule.

Having hurt feelings when you want to do

Something, and it doesn’t seem to come true.

Nervous is when you feel out of place

People make you feel you are an alien race.

Life can be full of such happy times

When you smile and are full of rhymes.

When things go right all day long

Makes you feel happy and strong.

You finally get everything done

Then you feel you are number one.

When you feel happy inside it will show

People will see you and they will know.

Spending time with your kids is what it takes

Makes them happier with all the breaks.

Sometimes when you do something nice

You, will in the end, get it back twice.

Christmas time makes kids so excited

Waiting for presents leaving them delighted.

Getting out to hunt for meat

Makes your heart skip a beat.

Going to the back yard to catch a fish

Is just exactly what you wish.

Making time for people who are dear

Always seems to make them cheer.

Singing songs when feeling great

Especially if it’s to your mate.

When friends contact you that you haven’t seen

Puts a smile on your face and feels keen.

When you believe in a higher power

Puts you on top of that tower.

The world is full of beautiful places

Just open your eyes and see all the faces.

Being able to give everyone what they need

Puts you higher and plants the seed.

Pray to God each and every day

Things seem to go more your way.

Reading books is what it’s all about

Constant learning to figure things out.

Kids are always learning more

So they know more than they did before.

Sitting close to the fire with someone who

Is the one you are closest to.

Complimenting people with each good thing

Makes them feel like they want to sing.

Troubled times are also there

Even when you don’t believe it’s fair.

When you try to stay happy all the time

You don’t always feel the rhyme.

You lose a job for just a little while

Starts to get to you and you don’t smile.

The bills pile up that you can’t pay

It’s hard to know just what to say.

Money runs dry and you wonder what to do

You pull your hair out before you are through.

It seems cars keep breaking down

Almost every time you go to town.

Stress can get you at every turn

Making you crazy, ready to burn.

Worrying about a job that may end

Puts you at your wits end.

When you get sick it’s never fun

You cough a lot and your nose does run.

Wondering what the next project will be

Can be a stressful thing to me.

Sometimes you can feel all alone

Like there isn’t anybody, not no one.

Getting sick is always bad

Especially when it’s worse than the last you had.

Getting kids to do what you say

Seems harder and harder every day.

Moving to a new place is hard to see

You never seem to get things where you want them to be.

Finding friends who are somewhat the same

It seems like it’s just a big game.

Good challenges are hard to come by

You wonder why you even try.

It seems if you just win the lottery somehow

All your troubles will be gone an-how.

When bill collectors start coming your way

You’re not too sure just what to say.

You can’t possibly pay everything off

When all you can do is sputter and cough.

Trying to get enough sleep every night

Is hard to do and never works out right.

Having love in your life is great

Sharing everything with your mate.

Finding the perfect person is what you need

To share your whole life, yes indeed.

Loving someone is our greatest plan

Between every woman and man.

Love is like a blooming flower

Smelling sweet for you to devour.

When you put your trust in the one you love

Makes you both fit like a glove.

Spending New Year’s with the one in your life

Especially when it’s your husband or wife.

Love is the most powerful thing

Seems to make you shout and sing.

Life and love go hand in hand

To live together in this land.

You will know it when you find the one

Who shows you how to laugh and have fun.

Just you wait and you will see

How beautiful love can be.

God says you should love every day

Even if you may not feel that way.

If you love someone you will know

You don’t even have to put on a show.

Love can bloom before you know it

And it can last as long as you feel it.

Forever in love is what we want

It’s sometimes like a little jaunt.

Giving someone all the love you can

Is such a wonderful plan.

Loving someone oh so much

Giving them your loving touch.

You give your love to someone now

You will get it back in return, and how.

Loving yourself is more important for you

To be able to love another person too.

Having a family is always so dear

Loving them so much and keeping them near.

May your love keep you strong

To keep you going each day long.

Having children is a beautiful joy

Whether it is a girl or boy.

When you first see your wonderful child

Makes you feel so happy and wild.

Children make the world go around

Putting your feet firmly on the ground.

When babies, the way they look at you

To tell you what you need to do.

Kids are so cute and innocent

They are just heaven sent.

Each year as they get older

They keep getting bolder and bolder.

Kids think they know it all

Even if they are so small.

Holidays for children mean much more

Than they did ever before.

At age one kids learn to walk

After that they learn to talk.

Terrible twos is so much work

You turn your back, they start to lurk.

When they start school its something new

They turn into adults before they are through.

Clothes and hair have to be the best

So they can concentrate on the rest.

Kids are special at all cost

Even when they feel they are lost.

Give your kids all the love you can

That is part of Gods great plan.

When kids get sick that’s when they need

For you to make them well so they can lead.

It makes you happy to see kids smile

It usually lasts for a long while.

Kids need attention more when

They feel down and out again.

Love is the important thing to give

For kids to be happy and to live.

Watching children grow is a big mystery

Growing bigger and smarter to make history.

All kids need is the encouragement to strive

For all the necessities just to thrive.

School is such an important place

Knowledge for you to reach out and embrace.

The things you learn while at school

Help you get smarter so you’ll be cool.

Each year you learn a little more

You may feel like it’s a big chore.

When grades come out and you did good

And you know that you did the best you could.

Education is the key to a good job

So you won’t grow up to be a slob.

The future is kids that know

How to learn so they can grow.

Bringing homework home too

So you can finish what you didn’t do.

Sometimes when you feel that you are not too smart

All you may need is a little jump-start.

With your mind you can accomplish so much

Studying hard is the magic touch.

In the beginning you learn the essentials

Learn them well and you’ll be full of potentials.

Just get a good education while you still can

It’s all in the cards and also a great plan.

You learn and learn all that is possible for you

You’ll know so much before you are through.

Sometimes home school is the way to go

It seems the more one on one the more you’ll know.

When kids do good, they’re happy to show you

They are glowing and oh so proud too.

Thirteen years of school is what it takes

To learn everything and get all the breaks.

College is the next step for school, you know

You make a choice on where to go.

Going to college gives you more to learn

So you don’t waste time or let your mind burn.

You choose what you really want to be

Then you work hard at it for you and me.

You get a degree in the field you chose

To get a job and the knowledge glows.

Whatever you do in this world so dear

Remember to learn all you can for your head to be clear.

Some people are born with such hardships

Learning is hard with so many trips.

There are so many people with such disabilities

Some can be overcome and open up many possibilities.

When learning is tough and you want to fit in

You need to work harder to hold up your chin.

When parents let the children know

That they don’t hold and they are slow.

To let them believe that they have a crutch

Will make them think that they need too much.

Just love your child no matter what

Like a book, it’s open-and-shut.

Some may have more than just one crutch

And they need you to give your magic touch.

Some people choose to ignore

There is something wrong, because it’s a chore.

Kids seem to always have it rough

When they are challenged and aren’t so tough.

Many things can happen to children when born

It can scare parents and leave them forlorn.

When challenged, you need to have more

More than you have ever needed before.

Going to school as a challenged child

People tease and act even more wild.

To get a break you have to work harder than

Anyone else just as hard as you can.

Some parents can’t handle it when she see

Their child is disabled and not normal to be.

All children are precious no matter what

Good or bad, healthy or sick, skinny or fat.

Stay as healthy as you can before birth

Then you won’t have to feel loss of worth.

Give your child all the special skills

Some may need some extra pills.

Some times no matter what you do

Things happen when you are through.

No matter how your child comes out

You need to love them so they can shout.

When you are challenged there are places to go

To get some help so you are in the show.

Looking for work can be so fun

Going to each place on the run.

You finish college to get your degree

To get a job just as you want to be.

There are many fields to choose from

Pick the one you are good at so you don’t feel dumb.

Some jobs pay real good

Just as it always should.

Some pay not so well

You feel you are always in a shell.

Either you are good at what you do

Or you are lacking what it takes to.

To get what you want out of your job

Sometimes you have to sit and sob.

Ups and downs are what it’s about

Making you just want to shout.

When you go to college you better get

The degree you want so you’ll be set.

Day by day as you look for a job

When you find none, you feel like a slob.

You need to find a job that’s good

To buy everything that you know you should.

Finding that good job is hard

You look and look, but it may not be your card.

When you find the job you need

It will give you everything to plant the seed.

You may have a job for many, many years

Then you may quit when you are full of fears.

Give your best wherever you go

You work hard to make the dough.

Life can be so rough when it comes to work

Finding something, instead of just a lurk.

Get that job that you are qualified for

Sometimes is such a big chore.

People seem to want more from you

They want the skills and experience too.

You go to school to get your degree

Then people want more from you or me.

Work experience is what they want

How you get it can be a great jaunt.

Don’t get down if you can help it

Because when you do, you want to quit.

Get some help to work it out

So you don’t sit and pout.

Someone will know what to do

So you’ll feel better when you are through.

Take time out from all the bustle

Then you won’t have to hustle.

You will sometimes feel blue

Everyone else does it too.

All you have to do is figure out why

It really is worthy a try.

Give yourself a little time

Then the bells will have to chime.

Life throws many a curve

Some you don’t even deserve.

When life gets rough, give it a chance

Soon you’ll have to sing and dance.

Struggling through to make ends meet

Wondering when you’ll get that treat.

You wonder why you are still here

God’s plan is really not clear.

You work and work for what you want

God just gives you a little taunt.

You try hardest to keep that smile

When you try to go that mile.

Sometimes it doesn’t seem to be

As good as some people may see.

Tough times are part of life

For every husband and every wife.

To get through each and every day

All you have to do is pray.

Trouble will find you anywhere

Even when you don’t have a care.

You don’t seem to give yourself enough credit

And there are things in your life you’ll have to edit

Whatever happens you have to watch out

Because life will just put you in doubt.

Keep your family always close to your heart

So someone wont butt in and pull you apart.

When things are right, you will know it

You’ll smile a lot and you’ll show it.

Treat people the way you should

They will treat you nothing but good.

Sometimes you need a little break

And you can have some of the cake.

Work hard and things will work out

And you won’t feel full of doubt.

When a good deed is done

You feel as if you have won.

When you win you may feel

Like you are the only one for real.

Show a happy face to all

Then you won’t generally fall.

Some people just give and give

That’s just the way you live.

The time to show happy times

Is when more people come up with rhymes.

Give a gift to someone who

Needs it more than all of you.

When you feel oh so bad

You find something to make them glad.

Happiness comes to those who try

Sometimes it may take a cry.

Some people you just have a hunch

They are happy a whole bunch.

Give in to a life of good

Then you feel the way you should.

Happiness goes a long way

When you feel it every day.

Show a smile for you to get

A smile back from someone, you bet.

Laughing is also a happy sign

It helps show that you are fine.

Do lots of things that make you happy

Then you won’t feel so crappy.

Kids can also make you smile

So you will go that extra mile.

Show some happiness and you will be

Happier for everyone, you will see.

Memories are something you always do

You can make good ones or bad ones too.

Good memories are the best to get

Keep them close and dearest yet.

Put something great in your mind

Just look back later and you will find.

Good memories are happy times you see

What you always want things to be.

Having a day out in the country sun

Lots of room and lots of fun.

Playing at the park with us all

Not caring if we fall.

Looking for lots of rocks to keep

Everyone always makes a loud peep.

Holidays are another good time

Remember them and make a rhyme.

Birthday memories are so great

Lots of presents and cake on your plate.

Remembering happy looks on someone’s face

Makes for a happier place.

Sometimes memories aren’t so good

Things don’t happen as they should.

Some things you would rather not know

You want to tell yourself no!

One bad memory can mean more

Than a few happy ones before.

When something happens that is bad

It seems to delete a good one you just had.

Memories are made from things that happen

All the time, no matter where or when.

Whether good or bad you’ll always know

People remember but it doesn’t always show.

Good times are always the best to receive

Then you don’t have to grieve.

There are so many memories as you grow up

Like maybe getting your first pup.

As times goes by you always rack up a few

So many to remember by the time you are through.

You may remember them all by heart

But to teach and every person, they are a part.

Giving yourself to the one you really love

Let yourself go and you won’t need a little shove.

When you’re married things do change

Sometimes it may feel a little strange.

Your life becomes from two to one

To work hard and also have some fun.

For most marriages, there comes babies

Maybe a dog who comes home with rabies.

Working hard to keep you both paid

Also to measure up to the right grade.

Being married you have someone to talk to

Every night after work from what you did too.

All your heart given to thee

Then having a baby makes three.

Children from marriage are a precious thing

With all the love and commitment they bring.

When you love someone with all your heart

Marriage comes so you won’t part.

You share your inner thoughts to each

Without having to make a big speech.

When you are married you will know

You never have to put on a show.

Keep your spouse as your best friend

You will always be together in the end.

Day in and day out you live with them

Your love stays bright as a gem.

Planning for the rest of your life

To be with your husband or your wife.

When you get married it needs to be right

So there aren’t too many times you fight.

Compromise is important to get through

You give in some and he/she will too.

Making things work is good indeed

You have to tell them what you need.

Communication is always the key

Try it with your spouse and you will see.

Giving and receiving go hand in hand

So you’ll stay together in this land.

Marriage is great for those who belong

Just make sure that you are not wrong.

True friends are very hard to find

Some may pretend to be good and kind.

Some people may say they’re your friend, you see

To get you where they want you to be.

Real friends care about what happens to you

You can turn to when you don’t know what to do.

You can trust them with all that you are

Even when you get a scar.

If you are lucky enough to find a real friend

Someone who you can always depend.

If they are untrue they will give you the run-around

When u need them most, they’re not found.

Sometimes their intentions show very much

Especially when they use you as a crutch.

Watch out for the ones who aren’t for real

They may be looking for something to steal.

It’s always nice to have a friend to talk to

When you are in need and feeling blue.

When you are feeling like you are about to pop

Feeling and experiences you’d like to swap.

It’s something nice to do things with a friend

As long as you find things together that blend.

Give yourself enough time to find out

Who they are so you’ll have no doubt.

A friend is someone who is always there

For you both to open up and share.

Your spouse should be your best choice

For someone to whom your opinions have a voice.

Sometimes it may take a long time to get

A true friend to stay happier yet.

At times it may not even be worth it to try

People could just want to sit down and cry.

A true friend doesn’t ask for lots of money from you

May borrow a little and always pay back too.

The friends who ask for way too much

Will not pay back and will be a big crutch.

A true friend will give you all they have to you

If they feel you are really true.

When you find a special friend like that

Don’t give up on them at the drop of a hat.

Looking to find the best place to be

The best place for both you and me.

It takes awhile to find the right place

You don’t want to make it a big race.

You may look and look until you see it

You will know if it will fit.

Dream a lot of what it will look like

Picturing your child riding a bike.

A big open space may be what you need

Build your own home so you can bleed.

You may want it already done

So you can live and have your own fun.

Having everything including a white fence

It could be quite an expense.

To build a home you need lots of supplies

Lots of work and a few cries.

Working hard to get enough money

It may be hard and not very funny.

It may take years to find the right place

With all the things and enough space.

When you finally see that place you really want

You will have just a little more of a jaunt.

Buy some property to start your house

You may have to save and live like a mouse.

When it’s finally done you will see

Just how happy you can really be.

That place in the mountains or in the city

Wherever you want to be as long as it’s pretty.

Lots of wood and a lot of nails

Will give lots of memories and tales.

Give to the job all that you can

You will finally get what you plan.

Whether it be white, green or blue

You will know if the color fits you.

Make sure you find the right place

And it’s what you want with lots of space.

To live the happiest that you can be

The place to call your own for you and me.

Living happy in the best place you can find

Making you happier and will ease your mind.

Living in the city can be real good

You can find everything you should.

Country living can be better

Quiet time to write that letter.

It all depends on what you want

A little or a big jaunt.

City driving can be such a pain

Even harder when it does rain.

Being in the country, the air is more clear

Nature sounds you always hear.

Some people love the crazy city life

And some love the quiet country life.

City streets may be too wild

Country roads are a lot more mild.

Some people don’t like it too quiet

They love that constant riot.

It all depends on what’s your needs

If you want to plant those seeds.

In the city you have everything at hand

In the country you can live off the land.

City living you always have to watch out

In the country you can just scream and shout.

Wild animals you can always see

A peaceful place for you to be.

City lights always aglow

There’s always some place to go.

Living in the wild so free

There’s so many places for you to be.

In the country you have a very big yard

It doesn’t seem like you have to work as hard.

People seem to steal more in the city

That is always such a pity.

City life can be quite crazy

Don’t have much time to be lazy.

Country space is full of trees

Or you could be near some seas.

Take time to figure out where you want to be

In the hustle bustle or to roam free.

City/country, which is it

Where you really want to sit.

Losing someone who is close to you

Is a very hard thing to go through.

While growing up, you may lose a few

Family members and some friends too.

You can’t imagine that this could happen at all

Makes you feel as though you had a great fall.

Your heart falls down to the ground

You seem to hear an empty sound.

When friends in school happen to die

Only certain one’s seem to cry.

It all depends on how popular you were

How many cries then you know for sure.

Family members dying is the worst

You feel as you may burst.

It takes so long to get over someone’s death

Everytime you think about it, you lose your breath.

Grieving is a big part of life

It’s nice to have your husband or wife.

There really isn’t a way to get ready

When it happens, you’re really not steady.

You hope and pray you won’t lose your spouse

Sitting and wandering around your house.

Everyday you hold so dear

You feel you always have something to fear.

Every time you go to the phone to call

You hope everything is ok after all.

Every year in school someone dies

Sometimes ones that have close ties.

It’s worse when you are closest to them

It hurts so bad, you are crying phlegm.

If you didn’t have your spouse to turn to

It seems you wouldn’t know what to do.

The more your heart does stick out

The worse it is to make you shout.

This is always something that happens everyday

People die no matter how many times you pray.

When you are born you are starting to die

It’s just not to know when, as time goes by.

You never know when you are to go

Until then you’ll give a good show.

Being with family on the holidays

Is something great with lots of plays.

Lots of family with plenty of fun

No time to waste and not under the gun.

Food is what everyone eats

Candy, pies, turkey and other treats.

Getting presents at Christmas time

Coming up with a special rhyme.

Sometimes holidays can get you down

You may sit around with a frown.

When you see all your family and friends

Happiness you have all depends.

Within yourself you will always be

Happier with your whole family.

Spouse and children are great indeed

Sometimes it’s all you really need.

Loving families is good for you

To be happy all the way through.

Christmas time is always crazy

It’s a time you can’t be lazy.

Turkey time is a time to thank

As long as your family doesn’t give you the shank.

Give thanks for all that you got

Sit down and eat while its still hot.

Easter is for kids to decorate eggs pretty

Then the bunny hides them from city to city.

Valentines Day is for people in love

Mostly those who fit like a glove.

Halloween is for kids to get candy

Wear costumes and look just dandy.

Holidays are for people dear to you

Get together and have fun things to do.

Giving things to others who

Don’t have as much as you.

Holidays can be so stressful

Running crazy is never too dull.

Birthdays are like holidays too

Get together and get gifts you know who.

Every year it’s the same old thing

Get through each time and you can sing.

When you need something to eat

Going hunting may be such a treat.

Not much money and out of food

Some people may think you are rude.

As long as you have something to use to go

Whether it’s to shoot or to throw.

Hunger pain can get you bad

Not as much as you thought you had.

Going out to get that animal

Doesn’t matter if it’s big or small.

Sometimes it’s not at the right season

For food is the only reason.

When you have a tag for a deer, buck or doe

You always try to find where to go.

Eating meat is quite a treat

Each and every part that you eat.

Sometimes when you start to get low

You’ll have to go get another doe.

Most people won’t go that way

They will only sit and pray.

Why the world sets you up this way

To make you starve another day.

When you need what you need to eat

With no money, so you’ll have no treat.

You may give and give to each one

When you don’t have much, to have fun.

Hunger is something very real

Scrounging for each and every meal.

When you hunt it’s not so much for fun

The meat is most important when you’re done.

People who hunt only for sport

Leave things after shot and come up short.

People who hunt just because

Should be busted by the fuzz.

If you’re really in need to feed

It should be ok as long as you’re not full of greed.

Whatever you choose for your family

Is the way that things should be.

There are many ways to get meat

Every time it just can’t be beat.

People act in many ways to what others say

So many things each and every day.

When someone says something quite rude

Some people react different than they should.

Some may smile and keep on going

So their faces are so glowing.

Handling things not so well

Any wrong words can ring their bell.

Yelling back at rude people who

Are very, very mean to you.

Some may yell to get back at those people

Who may not go to that steeple.

Getting even with those who hurt you

Is just like them when you are through.

When you smile and show someone you don’t care

They don’t get away with the words they share.

Words may hurt so very much

But not as badly if you don’t lose touch.

Letting your temper get the best of you

Could get you in trouble before you’re through.

You need to learn to keep your temper at bay

Like when it’s bad you have nothing to say.

Some people have to take a special class

Because your temper is like a piece of glass.

Lots of people in this life are cruel

They just want to break every rule.

When someone hurts your heart

You want to throw back another dart.

As soon as someone gets in your way

You may tell them you don’t want to play.

You need to learn to keep your temper at bay

Like when it’s bad you have nothing to say.

Some people have to take a special class

Because your temper is like a piece of glass.

Lots of people in this life are cruel

They just want to break every rule.

When someone hurts your heart

You want to throw back another dart.

As soon as someone gets in your way

You may tell them you don’t want to play.

If you stay and fight it out

Someone may get in trouble or hurt, no doubt.

Give yourself time to be sure

If the intentions are really pure.

Sometimes people say something bad

Not on purpose to make someone sad.

People react in many different tones

Sometimes you really need some headphones.

To really make things better for you

You really should think things through.

Abusing a child is what some people do

It sounds ugly, but its true.

Children are precious and not to be hurt

You don’t want to treat them like dirt.

They are so young and innocent

Doesn’t matter if your nerves are spent.

When mad, give yourself a little time

Just wait for the bells to chime.

Abuse can be as simple as a little shout

They go away with a big pout.

It can also be oh so sad

The life they wish they had always had.

You should love your children at all times

When you don’t show love, it’s a crime.

People say a good spanking is abuse

It all depends on how hard you choose.

Abused children may turn out the same

Abusing their own may be just a game.

Give yourself a little credit

Your life, you can always edit.

Abuse can make a child turn sour

It can get worse by the hour.

Sometimes abuse can make someone die

It can be stopped but they won’t even try.

Abusing children doesn’t work well

Puts them in a different kind of shell.

Treat your kids the way you should

Then they will be nothing but good.

Give them all you can

It’s really Gods plan.

Beating kids is quite a sin

When you don’t, you get a big grin.

Love is something you shouldn’t abuse

Children’s love, you don’t want to lose.

When you hurt the child you love

When they’re older they’ll give you a shove.

Your kids will know if your love is real

Punishment won’t be such a big deal.

Love your kids no matter what

Don’t give them a big kick in the gut.

Manners are learned at an early age

Each one with its own page.

Someone will say to mind yours

Especially when you’re crawling on all fours.

Knowing how to act when you’re out

Then your parents don’t have to shout.

Table manners are important too

It really helps to know what to do.

Show your kids what manners are

In life they will go very far.

Knowing what is good or bad

Can determine whether you are happy or sad.

Manners of the mouth are important to learn

Please, thank you, I’m sorry when it’s your turn.

To tell the truth without hurting someone

Is sometimes a very difficult one.

Be responsible for the actions you take

If you don’t, it’ll be a big mistake.

Showing respect to people you should

Shows them some manners and be very good.

Knowing when to speak or not

Keeps you from getting hot.

Right from wrong is most important to know

So off to jail you won’t go.

Teaching ways to come out on top

Having good manners and not be a flop.

Seeing when to just walk away

Gives a sense of a better way.

How you carry yourself and the way you sway

Gives you poise throughout the day.

Being polite is the way to go

Your good manners will then show.

Good manners will not only impress everyone

But will impress the most important one (you).

Letting someone know how grateful you are

Can get you farther in life by far.

Learning to give a compliment as often as you can

Should make you a better woman or man.

Meet and greet people in an appropriate manner

Can give you a “way to go” banner.


It’s been a long time since i started this. So many things have happened in my life. Lost my child to suicide almost 3 years ago now. Life has been super rough since then.